Sakhile Ncalane - Open Letter To My 15 Year Old Self

"I need you to know that toxic masculinity and patriarchy are unacceptable and will limit you capacity to be human, understand others and empathize with them… "

Dear 15-Year-Old Self - Charlene

"Allow for the integration of spirituality and sexuality..."

Dear 15-Year-Old Self - Pastor Lucas

"Hold on to your values of equality..."

Dear 15-Year-Old Self - Pastor Thatho

"When you meet your feloww sisters, you meet yourself..."

Dear 15-Year-Old Self - Rev Desmond

"Continue to show respect togirls..."

Dear 15-Year-Old Self - Forbes

"Never ever tell yourself that you understand what women are going through..."

A letter to myself in a world free of GBV - Motsau Motsau

"...I thought to write you, to share the bliss of now seeing Bones, Muscles, Blood vessels and Technoparts, the world over, co-functioning to enact adaptive behaviours instituting our species origins of humyxness in the biology of Love."